Why did God limit the the senses of man?

Why did God  limit the the senses of man? In  order  that  he  should  believe  the  simulation  to be  reality

Man’s comprehension has been limited to the range of his senses. Man is now unfolding beyond the range of material sensing in the direction of cosmic knowing.

Senses constantly deceive. They are failing to record the violent motion of everything in his entire environment, from the blade of grass to the clouds
in the heavens above him (clouds are travelling at thousand miles an hour at equator). The earth  is moving many miles per second in two directions; one of rotation upon its axis and the other of revolution around its orbit. His senses register stillness. They are electrically unaware of that motion.

This deception is as it should be, just as the same deception in a cinema is as it should be. God’s universe is but an electric recording of His knowing, manifested by His thinking To thus record the idea of His knowing in the two lights of His thinking, a three dimensional universe is necessary. If the
senses could detect and record all motion, instead of but a part of it, the illusion would disappear. The senses would see behind the illusion and find that all motion voids itself. Division of the whole into parts causes the illusion. If the film were removed from the projector of the motion picture, the illusion
of motion and change would be voided

It is part of God’s plan that the senses are limited entirely to the recording of a very small fraction of effect. The senses can never sense the Whole but the conscious Mind can KNOW the Whole (But man has eyes and ears of the spirit which see and hear what man’s sensed eyes and ears can never see or hear)


  • Imagine a perfectly motionless wheel and a fly walking around its rim, moving ever forward over changing ground, and the wheel seemingly moving backward, during a continuity of time in which the fly sensed a constant change in the changeless wheel.
    Every time the fly got back to the same point, it would compute the past time consumed on the journey and the forward time necessary for the next circuit.
  • The wheel being still, motion, change and time are created by the fly itself as it takes the whole idea of the wheel apart by journeying around it and examining it bit by bit.
  • The fly sensed motion by changing its position on the wheel. It sensed change by finding a seeming difference of condition at each forward movement. It sensed time by creating the sequences necessary in taking the one idea of the wheel apart and dividing it into many separate ideas.
    This simple analogy is a good symbol of Creation. This planet, like the fly on the wheel, moves forever around its motionless orbit. The orbit is as rigid and still as the wheel upon which the fly is moving.
  • As the planet moves upon the wheel of its orbit, it senses constant motion and change. It senses changes of days into nights, of spring merging into summer, autumn into winter. All of these seeming changes are in the motion of the planet and not in the wheel of its orbit. Each change is entirely due to the motion of the planet and not to the changeless orbit. The planet itself registers change on its changeless wheel Change therefore lies in motion alone. The senses are motion, therefore the senses sense only that which they themselves are.

The future happenings, already a part
Of one Eternal Present, with no end,
No ceaseless movement of time and no start,

On those the illusive veil of thought can rend,

Cast their reflection, when the shadows part,

As each succeeding lightning flash reveals

The changed position of a moving cart,
But not the regular motion of its wheels.

And these projections from a subtle plane

Of life, an unconditioned Realm Sublime,

Upon the time-conditioned mortal brain

Become a picture clothed in space and time.

So utterly amazing and unique
Is this experience of immersion in
The Void of Future that when at the peak,

The mortal, cut off from the noise and din

Of earth, is lost in wonder at the sight,

Which now unfolds before his inward eye,

A world of mystery aglow with light,

Impenetrating both the earth and sky;

Across which, shadowed on a glowing screen,

Ethereal portraits in a luminous dress,
With all the context of a future scene,
In rapid flashes whole events express.

But only to the extent as is allowed,
To him to see and hear by Grace Divine,
For Laws Celestial ev’n in those endowed With this rare gift, prescribe the boundary line. 

What is the measure of your cosmic KNOWing?

4/5 Man Idea – Cosmic Consciousness

What is the aim of the Home study Course

What is the aim of the Home study Course
Aim: Revealing the nature of God and verifying his Presence as the One Universal Being, through the gradual unfolding of the secret processes of Creation. To prove his controlling presence in all creating things.
Wholly mind – when the seat of sensation becomes conpletely severed from its centering conscious Mind, one beocomes wholly Mind, the One Mind of God, in which Is all-knowledge, all-powers and all-presence. Vision the universe as a whole, Underlying all phenomena (ie CAUSE of all EFFECT) is a simple fundamental principle, which is forever repeated in every phenomena of motion
My work on hydrogen led to the discovery of its Isotopes and heavy water, two atomic bomb elements (20 years before isolation)
The purpose of these lessons is twofold: 1) Prepare a layman who desires personal power and progress through achievement in personal creative expression to attain that end by full understanding of the CAUSE of all the EFFECTS a man produces in order that he may command those effects to his obedience.  With cosmic knowledge as a  foundation  upon  which  he  can  firmly  stand  to face  every  problem  of  his  daily  life,  whether  social, domestic,  business,  health,  family,  friendships,  professional  or otherwise  he  can  meet  them  with  a  clarity  of  vision  and  conquer them  with  intelligent  action  and  decision instead  of  complexing his  problems  because  of  his  inability  to  fully  comprehend  their cause. Each  reader can  so  clearly comprehend each part of God’s cosmic plan that  he  too  may vision  the  many  parts  as  One  whole. He  who  can  so  strongly  see the  Oneness  of  all the  seeming  many parts  of  God’s  plan  may  make of  his  own  life  a  divine  extension  of  that  One  and  thus  become master  Creator  of  his  own  creating universe. 2) The  secondary  purpose  is  to  so  thoroughly  define  and  explain this  universal  illusion  which  seems  so  real  to  the  senses  of  man, and  prove  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  most  exacting  scientist  that the  entire  electric  wave  universe  is  but  a  cosmic  cinema  picturing a  cosmic  idea  of  cause  and  effect  with  cosmic projection cameras called  wave  fields  of  light (describable  and  definable mechanically)

What is meditation?

What is meditation? 
It is  the  most  important  of  all  the  functions  of human  life  which  further human  progress.

  • Meditation is  communing  with  God  for  the  purpose  of  working knowingly  with  God. Greatest of  the  world’s  geniuses constantly practice  it knowingly  but  can not  explain  it. Everyone  can  knowingly  practice it and  thus  knowingly  command his  achievements  to  be  masterly, or command his body to be perfect or his life to be full to overflowing, for through meditation for though mediation every  man  can  become  whatever  he  wishes  to become.  
  • To be One with God means to desire His knowledge and power, God’s Mind is your Mind, hence you have all knowledge and power that God has to the extent of your awareness of God in you.  
  • If God’s knowledge is asleep in you it must be awakened in  order that you may be aware of it , then you can use it, for the entirety of Universal Law works with and for you at your command.  
  • “By meditation and communion with God and talking to Him, I mean not just sitting silently, in a prayerful attitude as though separate and apart from God, adopting a faith and belief state of mind, but actually becoming ONE WITH Him, desiring with Him as co-creator of all things, desiring without words, desiring dynamically with knowledge, not with blind faith and belief, but knowledge, that fruition will as surely follow that desire as that fruit will appear on the tree in its orderliness of law’s workings as a result of desire in its seed
  • To meditate is to become one with God. It means to STOP THINKING and thus get out of the awareness of body. One can be aware of his body and of material things only while, and because, one is thinking.…To concentrate is to think very hard and focus your thoughts to a point. To meditate is just the opposite it means to expand ones thoughts into space until one stops thinking and steps into the still Light of KNOWING. Thinking is sensing, and sensing is vibratory motion. Conversely, meditation is becoming still in order to talk with God. When I say talk with God I mean become inspired with His Light of all-knowing. One talks with God in timeless Light. Inspiration comes in flashes of still Light invisible Light.
    Walter Russell did not think much of special techniques of meditation or praying.


Define Meditation?


Meditation  is  the  desire  of  man  to know  God  in  him  and  to manifest his  God  awareness  by extending  his knowinq,  through  his thinking,  to the production  of  material  bodies  created  by him  in the  image  of  his  inspired conceiving. Simply : meditation  is a desire  to be  alone  with  God  to  talk  with  Him. Meditation is really a conference between your soul and the Universal Soul. 


What is the first step to meditate with God?

To  meditate  with  God  first  forget  your  body  and  stop  thinking  about  anything.  Decentrate to the zero of stillness. Become a  vacuum  insofar  as  your  senses  are  concerned, Desire  the  Light. If  you  could  express  it  in  words  let  that  expression  have  a  meaning but  without  words,  Let  it be more  like  a  realization,  as though  you  said  in  words:
“The  glory  of  Thy  anointing  Light  is  upon  me, “I am  in  the  spirit,  Thy  Light  is  all about  me,  It  encompasseth  me,  It  shineth  through  me,  I am  dissolved  in Thy  Light, “Thy  Light  is  my  Light,  I  am  immersed  in my  Light. “I am  in  Thy  Light,  knowing  Thy  Light, “Be Thou  me,  that  I  may  not  be  myself  alone” 

Question: For years I have wanted to learn how to concentrate and meditate, but have been warned against meditation without a guide. It is said that that particular path is strewn with the wrecks of people who become mentally and emotionally unbalanced due to their lack of understanding.

  • Answer: To have been warned against meditation without a guide is utmost absurdity. To meditate is to become one with god. It means to STOP THINKING and thus get out of the awareness of body. One can be aware of his body and of material things only while, and because, one is thinking.
  • You use the terms concentrate and meditate as though they were the same. To concentrate is to think very hard and focus your thoughts to a point. To meditate is just the opposite–it means to expand one’s thoughts into space until one stops thinking and steps into the still Light of KNOWING.
  • Thinking is sensing, and sensing is vibratory motion. Conversely meditating is becoming still in order to talk with God. When I say “talk with God” I mean become inspired with His Light of all-knowing. One talks with God in timeless Light. Inspiration comes in flashes of still Light–invisible Light.
  • If you want to know anything whatsoever, just desire to know it, then stop thinking. Try to get into a state of universal ecstasy–or inner joyousness which is a state of consciousness like unto the God Mind. Void your mind of thoughts, thought forms and ideas. Become perfectly blank, insofar as idea and form are concerned.
  • In that manner you become transformed form man, as an individual unit of mankind, and become all Soul–the universal Soul. In that manner you make the transition from the state of sensing some things materially to knowing all things cosmically.
  • You certainly do not need a guide to keep you from trouble by doing that. The great geniuses of the world do that constantly. It is their very life. You would as well need a guide to teach you how to love your mother as to need a guide to help you seek the Light which centers you.


Q. I know that the wonderful freedom of easy breathing, just as the keenness of the senses, is closely associated with inner-feeling. Is there any simple rule that might be applied to bring about that condition of ecstasy which is characteristic of cosmic conscious people or even to induce meditation?

A. There is no necessity for a technique or formula for meditation. Inner-feeling, or inner-knowing, is the Silent voice of inspiration within us. One automatically breathes easier as desire for effort ceases. The more forgetful one is of one’s body, the more one is freed for the transition from outer emotions to conscious stillness.

If one desires that ecstasy of being in the God Light, breathing will become effortless. It will slow the heartbeat also by relaxing the body. One of the greatest means of relaxing the body is to stop thinking and meditate—to become one with the Spirit. That is the reward of living the conscious life—the most wonderful thing that can happen to anyone.


What is the measure of your cosmic knowing?

What is the measure of your cosmic knowing?

The  measure  of  your  cosmic  knowing  is  the  measure  of  your self  and  God  awareness,  It  is  the  measure  of  your  ability  to dwell  in  the  Light  of  all-knowing  and  to  command  the  thought  universe  of  Creation  with  God  as  Co-creator  with  God.
Thinking what you know into imagined forms is expressing your eternal Selfin the invisible universe of Mind.
Giving formed bodies to imagined thought forms, by following up your thoughts with actions, is expressing your eternal Self in the vislble universe of matter. 
That is all that God does, for he controls His electric body as its absolute master. He keeps all of its lnteractions and interchangings in absolute balance, for God is eternally creating his body in the image of his desiring.


I  have been  enabled  to  do  ten  times  the  amount of  work  I  otherwise  would have  done, and  all  of  it  in a  masterly  manner. 
When I know that  God’s thinking and mine are one, and that I am so consciously aware of His presence at every working moment, likewise consciously feeling my hands to be his hands, my work could not be other than masterly.
To  constantly  work  knowingly  with  God,  never  ceasing,  is to be  constantly  inspired  with  the  ecstasy  of  His  nature.
Knowing  that  I  must  demonstrate  by  my  own  life  that  which  I must  teach  to  other men  my  one  desire through  life  has  been  to live  life  worthily  to  manifest  the  power  in  me  which  God  gives  to every  man  for  the  asking,  and  to  immunize  myself  from  all  that  is unlovely  in  order  that  I could  forever  create  with  Him  that  Beauty Of balanced rhythmic thinking which is His universe. 

What is the measure of your cosmic knowing?
The  measure  of  your  cosmic  knowing  is  the  measure  of  your self  and  God  awareness,  It  is  the  measure  of  your  ability  to dwell  in  the  Light  of  all-knowing  and  to  command  the  thought  universe  of  Creation  with  God  as  Co-creator  with  God.Thinking what you know into imagined forms is expressing your eternal Selfin the invisible universe of Mind.
Giving formed bodies to imagined thought forms, by following up your thoughts with actions, is expressing your eternal Self in the vislble universe of matter. 
That is all that God does, for he controls His electric body as its absolute master. He keeps all of its lnteractions and interchangings in absolute balance, for God is eternally creating his body in the image of his desiring.
You can do likewise, if you desire to only by working knowingly with God. 

What is the secret of the universe?

What is the secret of the universe?

God said – Behold thou the unity of all things in Light of Me, and the seeming separateness of all things in the two lights of my divided thinking. See thou that I, the Undivided, Un- changing One, am within all divided things, centering them, and I am without all changing things, controlling them.’ 
Likewise the universal kaleidoscope was but moving mirror waves of dual light extending from their equilibrium in God from Whom all creating things spring in octave electric waves just as the ocean waves spring from the calm sea. 
“Thus knowing the static Light of God, the two dynamic lights of His thinking, and the electric processes by means of which His thinking is recorded in ‘matter,’ I at once had the key to all the sciences: mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and mechanics; and likewise to all the underlying principles of creation: of life and the healing principle; of continuity in a universe in which there is no death; of energy which is not what man thinks it to be; and of matter which is not substance as man supposes it to be; and of the forces which act upon it which man has learned how to use some- what, but knows not the why of that which he uses.  

knowing had key to
static light of god all the sciences: mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and mechanics
2 dynamic lights of his thinking all the underlying principles of creation: of life and the healing principle
electric processes by means of which His thinking is recorded in ‘matter,’ of continuity in a universe in which there is no death
  of energy which is not what man thinks it to be
  of matter which is not substance as man supposes it to be
  of the forces which act upon matter which man has learned how to use some- what, but knows not the why of that which he uses
  mystery of the soul
  mystery of growth
  the patterns of things in the seeds of things
  the manner of unfolding of the patterns of things in the seeds of things
  the repetition, and the evolution of the patterns of things in the seeds of things
  ONE LAW which governs all things extending from the Source through the universal pulse beat which motivates all things
  to see the universe as a whole and its simple principle of creation as one unit, repeated over and over, endlessly and without variation, 
  universe as evidenced in the universal heartbeat to which every pulsing thing in the light-wave universe is geared to act as ONE UNIT OF THE WHOLE
  Principle of Creation – state it in one paragraph and one octave-wave diagram
  all knowledge exists in the Mind universe of Light—which is God—that all Mind is One Mind,
  that men do not have separate minds, 
  that all knowledge can be obtained from the  Universal  Source  of  All-Knowledge  by  becoming  One  with that Source.”


“And likewise the mystery of the soul was mine to know; and of growth; and the patterns of things in the seeds of things; and the manner of their unfolding, their repetition, and their evolution. 
“And the LAW was mine to know, the ONE LAW which governs all things extending from the Source through the universal pulse beat which motivates all things. And it was made known to me that I must extend knowledge of this law into all human relations to help remake the world in its new day which God has planned. ”
“Thus I was made to see the universe as a whole and its simple principle of creation as one unit, repeated over and over, endlessly and without variation, as evidenced in the universal heartbeat to which every pulsing thing in the light-wave universe is geared to act as ONE UNIT OF THE WHOLE. 
“So simple is this underlying Principle of Creation that I have been enabled, throughout these years, to state it in one paragraph and one octave-wave diagram so simply that every law or theory ever propounded in the past or future by man can be tested by that paragraph and that diagram. If they will not fit into this unitary rinciple, they are outside of Natural Law and must be discarded. It will be found that most of even the most fundamental laws and theories of the past and present do not come anywhere near fitting into this underlying principle. They will, therefore, have to be discarded in favor of immortal Truth. 
“No greater proof than my experience is needed to prove to the doubting world that all knowledge exists in the Mind universe of Light—which is God—that all Mind is One Mind, that men do not have separate minds, and that all knowledge can be obtained from the  Universal  Source  of  All-Knowledge  by  becoming  One  with that Source.”  

Who is God?

  • “I am the One Whole, the ALL.
  • “I, the sexless One, am Unity.
  • “I am Creator, creating with My thinking.
  • “I, the One Whole, am knowing-Mind. I exist to think .
  • “Glorify thou Me, the One Whom I am, for I am ALL, and no other is.


What is thinking?


  • I exist to think. All thinking is Light of my knowing but My thinking is not Me.
  • “Out of My Light of knowing are My two lights of thinking born as sexed pairs of opposites.

THE DIVINE ILIAD concerning the creative purpose of thinking.

1 shall read to you from THE DIVINE ILIAD concerning the creative purpose of thinking. This knowledge is vital to all who wish to achieve intellectual or economic supremacy.

  • “All thinking is universal thinking.
  • ” All thinking beings are thinking in unison. All are creating that which they are thinking.
  • ” All thinking beings are self-creating.
  • “All thinking beings are creating all things.
  • “Man is his own creator. Man is creator of all. This shall man know when he shall think within the h igher octaves of Light of his Mind.
  • ” When man shall know the language of the Universal One, of whom he is a part, then shall he know the voice of the Universal One speaking within him in the light of universal rhythms which man knows as ‘inspiration. ‘

“What the Universal One is, I am. What He commands, I command. My purpose is His purpose.
“God lives in me. My inheritance is from God and of God. He gives all to me. He withholds nothing.
“The divinity of me is Thine and mine. It is that which is recorded within the soul of me. It is the Holy Spirit with in the sanctuary of me.
“lam an idea of Thine. The body of me is the idea of the soul of me. It is Thine and mine. Iam the Master Sculptor. My body is the plastic clay. My Soul is the mother-mould of my body, the matrix for my regeneration.
“I am what I am. I shall be what I desire to be.
“What I am, I have desired to be. I am the sum of my own desire.
“I am Thou, Creator of All. Thou art I, Creator of All. I am Thou, Creator of myself, for Thou hast made it known in my heart that I am not of myself alone. 1 am Thou and thou art 1. 1 am of the farthermost star and of the blade of grass in my dooryard. I am of my brother and of the mountain.
“The ecstasy of my thinking varies the spectra often times ten billion stars and illumines the ether of endless space.
“Thy thinking has created all that is. My thinking is Thy thinking. My thinking has created all that is.
“I am man, Self-creating. “I am God, Creator of man. “I am father of my Self.
“I am Son of the living God.
“The ends of space are mine. I shall know no limitations which are not Thy limitations. “


  • There is but one Creator in the universe, -one Mind, one Person, one Being. We are that Creator, that Person, that Being in the measure that we know we are. 
  • We must know the universe and its underlying principle for only through knowing, through having a scientific foundation under our knowing and an awareness of God dynamically— not abstractly-can we become creators. 
  • Following is an extract from The Divine Iliad which is The Word of God —an inspired message given to man, which I have interpreted for man’s understanding. 
  • “I am the Knower of the Known. 
  • “I am the sexless Knower of the Known. In Me is the Consciousness of all-knowing. And that is My power. 
  • “In Me, the unconditioned One, is the Whole. There are no parts, nor are there beginnings, nor endings in Me, the One Conscious Whole. 
  • “Iam the dual Thinker of unfolding parts of the Known, the Imagine r of imaged forms which emerge from My knowing, through My thinking, to manifest My knowing. 
  • “My dual thinking divides My knowing Light into pairs of sex-divided mirrors of the two opposed lights of My thinking. These electric mirrors of divided light reflect My Light and Life in them for manifesting My knowing and the One life of My Being. Forever and forever they interchange the dual reflected lights of My thinking for manifesting the continuance of My thinking, yet they are not My Light, nor are they My Life. 
  • “Nor are they My Being. I, My all-conscious Being, alone live. And I alone think. 
  • “Again I say, all thinking is My thinking. Also 1 say, when man thinks at all he thinks with Me as One, imagines with Me as One, and builds his images with Me as One. 
  • “And when man is inspired by exalted thinking know thou that it is I in him who am thinking as One within him. 
  • ” For I am the source of ecstasy and inspiration in man. Behold in Me the silent Voice which man may hear who hath inner ears to hear. And lam the Light which man may see who hath eyes of the Spirit to see. 
  • “For I say that in-so-far as man knows the ecstasy of inspiration in him he hears My Voice and sees My Light in him. He then knows the mighty rhythms of My balanced thinking and thinks with Me. “

God sayeth: “Seek Me, know Me, be Me— be the fulcrum of thine own power. “

Overall Complexity – 9 and heartbeat

Nature is simple. She has but one force (which she divides into two), one form (which she divides into many), and seven patterns (which she complexes by repeating them in such marvelous systems of wave periodicities that it needs imagination, rather than eyesight, to coordinate them).
To again accentuate the simplicity of it I will yet again say that if your intelligence is great enough for you to add up to nine, or to understand that you breathe inward and outward from a balanced center in you, you can understand the workings of most complex phenomena in all Nature .I say this to you seriously and mean what I say for God never passes nine in any creative expression nor does any phenomena in Nature ever exceed the principle upon which your breathing,or heartbeat is based
Anything in Nature, or in your life’s problems, which might have one million parts and one million complexities, if taken apart, will be found to constitute one simple principle of three elements. God multiplies these three by three to make nine, but never more than that. So if you can understand the principle of the basic three, and if you can multiply that three by three, you can become the greatest chemist, metallurgist, electrical engineer, poet, painter, philosopher or inventor in the whole world if no one but you in the world did understand it.This basic THREE, which cannot be added to nor subtracted from, will hereinafter be referred to as THE DIVINE TRINITY

The universe of Creator and Creation is founded upon three elements

  • Every moment of your life you are attempting to fulfill some desire.
  • Every effort you make toward that fulfillment is a positive action starting from rest to seek a point of rest. Your positive action expresses FATHERHOOD
  • In your thinking it is CONCENTRATIVE. Concentration of thought expresses FATHERHOOD.
  • In concentration you have formed the seed pattern for the next effort for fulfilling your desire .

All things are One, but made to appear as two extensions of the One.”Know thou that the two extensions of My recorded thinking are divided by the One which centers the two, the One controlling the two.”For behold, I am within all things centering them, and I am with out all things controlling them.

There are only two directions in nature

  1. Inward
  2. outward



  • Entirety of the electric universe of matter in motion is an unreality, a cosmic illusion. God alone exists. God the ONE.
  • ONE TWO pulsations of the heartbeat of Gods thinking
  • Every moment of your life you are attempting to fulfill some desire.
  • Every effort you make toward that fulfillment is a positive action starting from rest to seek a point of rest. Your positive action expresses FATHERHOOD
  • In your thinking it is CONCENTRATIVE. Concentration of thought expresses FATHERHOOD.
  • In concentration you have formed the seed pattern for the next effort for fulfilling your desire .

All things are One, but made to appear as two extensions of the One.”Know thou that the two extensions of My recorded thinking are divided by the One which centers the two, the One controlling the two.”For behold, I am within all things centering them, and I am with out all things controlling them.

There are only two directions in nature

  1. Inward
  2. outward



  1. MIND which is ONE and
  2. Father – the first of two electric thinking of Mind, the inward electric pulsations of the universal body.
  3. Mother – the second of two electric thinking of Mind, the outward electric pulsations of the universal body.
  • Entirety of the electric universe of matter in motion is an unreality, a cosmic illusion. God alone exists. God the ONE.
  • ONE TWO pulsations of the heartbeat of Gods thinking
  • Every moment of your life you are attempting to fulfill some desire.
  • Every effort you make toward that fulfillment is a positive action starting from rest to seek a point of rest. Your positive action expresses FATHERHOOD
  • In your thinking it is CONCENTRATIVE. Concentration of thought expresses FATHERHOOD.
  • In concentration you have formed the seed pattern for the next effort for fulfilling your desire .

All things are One, but made to appear as two extensions of the One.”Know thou that the two extensions of My recorded thinking are divided by the One which centers the two, the One controlling the two.”For behold, I am within all things centering them, and I am with out all things controlling them.

There are only two directions in nature

  1. Inward
  2. outward



  1. MIND which is ONE and
  2. Father – the first of two electric thinking of Mind, the inward electric pulsations of the universal body.
  3. Mother – the second of two electric thinking of Mind, the outward electric pulsations of the universal body.
  • Entirety of the electric universe of matter in motion is an unreality, a cosmic illusion. God alone exists. God the ONE.
  • ONE TWO pulsations of the heartbeat of Gods thinking
  • Every moment of your life you are attempting to fulfill some desire.
  • Every effort you make toward that fulfillment is a positive action starting from rest to seek a point of rest. Your positive action expresses FATHERHOOD
  • In your thinking it is CONCENTRATIVE. Concentration of thought expresses FATHERHOOD.
  • In concentration you have formed the seed pattern for the next effort for fulfilling your desire .

All things are One, but made to appear as two extensions of the One.”Know thou that the two extensions of My recorded thinking are divided by the One which centers the two, the One controlling the two.”For behold, I am within all things centering them, and I am with out all things controlling them.

There are only two directions in nature

  1. Inward
  2. outward