5 rules of success

Russell shares the 5 rules that allowed him to accomplish so much. Each rule builds on those prior, culminating in the ultimate recipe for genius.

1) Humility

Make your every action in service of others. Ambitions seeking only to serve the self inevitably end in dissatisfaction.

“No one can multiply himself by himself. He must first divide himself and give himself to the service of all, thus placing himself within all others through acts of thoughtfulness and service.

The personal ego must be suppressed and replaced with the ‘universal ego.’ One must not be the part, one must be the whole. The ‘I’ must be forgotten. I had it. All men have it, and all pass through that stage.

I once thought that greatness was the only thing worthwhile, but when I achieved it to some extent I found that I was not satisfied with it, because there was something beyond, so much higher.”

2) Reverence

Become deeply aware that you are an interpreter of universal consciousness. Know that you have the potential to create anything, to co-create INCREDIBLE things, because you are a tool of the Universe, and are ultimately one with everything. 

“No one can make a sale, write a book or invent anything without first having that deep reverence which makes him know and feel that he is an interpreter of the thought-world, one who is creating a product of some kind to fit a purpose. If you are alone long enough to get thoroughly acquainted with yourself, you will hear whisperings from the universal source of all consciousness which will inspire you. These are actual messages, actual revelations, telling you, guiding you, showing you the way to the Source of the thought-world into the world of what we call creation to produce through your interpretations the images which crowd your mind which you do not see. You will soon find yourself using the cosmic forces which you also cannot see, instead of working blindly in the vrk.

That thought energy is focused in our brains just as the spot of light is focused by a lens to become a more brilliant spot of light, gathered together from a large area into a point until it is strong enough to burn. Well, you feel that consciousness or that universal intelligence of space itself because of that sensation focused in your body which deceives you into believing that your body is you. Well, it isn’t. Your body is merely a machine made to express the thoughts that flow through you and nothing more.

I learned to cross the threshold of my studio with reverence, as though I were entering a shrine set apart for me to become co-creator with the Universal Thinker of all things. I do not say as I enter my studio, ‘I am a sculptor, I ought to be able to do that thing.’ Instead of that I say, ‘I am an interpreter who can think that thing within me which is worthy of being done.’ When I get that feeling, that rhythm, that meter, that measure which comes to me as an inspiration, then I know that I can produce it, and nobody under Heaven can tell me that I cannot produce it.”

3) Inspiration

Once you are in a place of knowing with your one-ness with the Universe, you need only silence to bring about divine inspiration.

“Many have asked if I could more specifically direct them how to kindle that spark of inner fire which illumines the way to one’s self. That I cannot do. I can merely point the way and tell you of its existence. You must then find it for yourself. The only way you can find it is through being alone with your thoughts at sufficiently long intervals to give that inner voice within you a chance to cry out in distinguishable language to you, ‘Here I am within you.’ That is the silent voice, the voice of nature, which speaks to everyone who will listen.

Lock yourself up in your room or go out in the woods where you can be alone. When you are alone the universe talks to you in flashes of inspiration. You will find that you will suddenly know things which you never knew before. All knowledge exists in the God-Mind and is extended into this electrical universe of creative expression through desire. Knowledge is yours for the asking. You have but to plug into it. You do not have to learn anything, in fact, all you have to do is recollect it, or recognize it, for you already have it as your inheritance.

By meditation and communion with God and talking to Him, I mean not just sitting silently, in a prayerful attitude as though separate and apart from God, adopting a faith and belief state of mind, but actually becoming ONE WITH Him, desiring with Him as co-creator of all things, desiring without words, desiring dynamically with knowledge, not with blind faith and belief, but knowledge, that fruition will as surely follow that desire as that fruit will appear on the tree in its orderliness of law’s workings as a result of desire in its seed.

I believe that every man can multiply his own ability by almost constant wordless REALIZATION of his unity with his Source. I have, myself, made that feeling so much a part of me that I actually feel myself to be an extension of the Source; that my works are not my own but interpretations of this Source. I believe that such constant realization keeps one so exalted with inspiration that one is thus insulated from the thousands of distractions which lead one away from his own design of life, and thus protects him from petty temptation, from disease, and from those man-harms which constantly come to those who are not thus One with God.”

4) Deep Purpose

Inspiration is useless without direction. You must find your ultimate purpose in this life in order to make full use of your new-found knowledge.

“The charge behind the bullet can either be used for the purpose intended or dissipated uselessly. You have to gather your energy together in the same manner, conserving it and insulating it from dissipation in every direction other than that of your purpose.

There is no use for energy of any kind whatsoever unless there is a plan back of it. You cannot get creative value out of concentrated energy by letting it go back into the static condition from which you borrowed it, unless you have a plan for its use.”

5) Joy & Ecstasy

The joy of achieving refuels you with the energy required to carry on to the next achievement. It is by cultivating a deep-seated, untouchable joy that you become able to realize your genius without any interruptions.

“You will be amazed when I tell you that the compensating principle of balance which reloads you with new thought-energy after you have expended all in some creation lies in joy, happiness, enthusiasm, inspiration, intuition, effervescence, and by that climaxing word of all words, ecstasy. Think of it, how simple it is to know that the joy of an achievement recharges you with a balancing energy for the next achievement.

The ecstatic man is the most dynamic, the most silent and the most undemonstrative of all men. By ecstatic I mean that rare mental condition which makes an inspired man so supremely happy in his mental concentration that he is practically unaware of everything which goes on around him extraneous to his purpose, but is keenly and vitally aware of everything pertaining to his purpose.

The great composers, sculptors, painters, inventors and planners of all time were in such an ecstatic condition during their intensive creating hours that the million petty trivialities which short-circuit the energy and waste the time of most men never found an opportunity for even entering their consciousness. From this high mental state of ecstasy down to the simple state of what we might call just happiness or enthusiasm, you can construct a thought-power pressure gauge in which you can see that pressure rise or fall.

He who cultivates that quiet, unobtrusive ecstasy of inner joyousness can scale any heights and be a leader in his field, no matter what that field is. He who never finds it must be content to follow in the footsteps of those who do, and thus be self-condemned for life to obscurity. By inner joyousness I do not mean the visible surface joyousness of the hail-fellow-well-met with his cheerful smile and manners. I mean the almost hidden joyousness of deeply banked fires which need no dramatic expression to evidence their existence in work. This joyousness is that quiet, invisible boiling up of the inspired spirit of the great thinker. He may be sitting quietly in his room, alone with himself and the universe, or he may be in the company of other humans. There is no violent surface indication of the ecstasy which great thinkers alone enjoy. There is nothing dramatic about it, but there is some subtle light in the eye of the inspired one, or some even more subtle quiet emanation which surrounds the inspired thinker, which tells you that you are in the presence of one who has bridged the gap which separates the mundane world from the world of spirit.

And it should be every man’s greatest ambition to be that kind of man. With that desire in the heart of every man there could be no greed or selfish unbalance, nor could there be exploitation of other men, or hatreds, or wars or fear of wars.”


Every successful man or great genius has three particular qualities in common. The most conspicuous of these is that they all produce a prodigious amount of work. The second is that they never know fatigue. And the third is that their minds grow more brilliant as they grow older, instead of less brilliant. Great men’s lives begin at forty, where the mediocre man’s life ends. The genius remains an ever-flowing fountain of creative achievement until the very last breath he draws.

I believe that mediocrity is self-inflicted and that genius is self-bestowed.

I never let the thought of failure enter my mind. My knowledge of my unity with the Universal One and the fact that I must do this thing, and the inspired belief I should do it as a demonstration of my belief in man’s unlimited power, made me ignore the difficulties that lay in the way.

They know how to work without waste of energy. In order to get the best that is within themselves, they learn to eliminate from their thoughts and actions everything which subtracts from their purposes.

Joy and happiness are the indicators of balance in a human machine…An inner joyousness, amounting to ecstasy, is the normal condition of the genius mind. Any lack of that joyousness develops body-destroying toxins. That inner ecstasy of the mind is the secret fountain of perpetual youth and strength in any man. He who finds it finds omnipotence and omniscience.

He claims he has never known fatigue while obeying the law, but when he does break it he feels a sense of guilt in discovering the slightest evidence of fatigue which tells him that he has broken it.

Mr. Russell is a great believer in versatility in all creative work. In any physical work he believes one can work many hours at a time, but in mental, creative work he believes one can do his best only for two hours at a time on any one subject, but he can work another two hours on another subject with equal freshness. He therefore sometimes works two hours a day on each of five different creations, “and in that way can live five lives at a time.

You must love anything you must do. Do it not only cheerfully, but also lovingly and the very best way you know how. That love of the work which you must do anyhow will vitalize your body and keep you from fatigue.

Every man should be master of anything he does and should do it in a masterly manner, with love, no matter what it is, whether hard physical work, menial or boring work, or inspirational work.

A menial task which must be mine, that shall I glorify and make an art of it.

I do not recognize these as defeats. They are but interesting experiences of life. They are valuable stepping stones to success.

I will see beauty and goodness in all things. From all that is unlovely shall my vision be immune.

Your body is merely a machine made to express the thoughts that flow through you and nothing more. It is but an instrument for you to express your imagings just as a piano is an instrument for a musician to express his imagings. Just as the piano is not the musician, so, likewise, your body is not you.

How does one chip off the marble that doesn’t belong? … That comes about through five things: humility, reverence, inspiration, deep purpose, and joy. No great man has ever wise-cracked his way to greatness. Until one learns to lose one’s self he cannot find himself. No one can multiply himself by himself. He must first divide himself and give himself to the service of all, thus placing himself within all others through acts of thoughtfulness and service.

The only way you can find it is through being alone with your thoughts at sufficiently long intervals to give that inner voice within you a chance to cry out in distinguishable language for you. ‘Here I am within you.’ That is the silent voice, the voice of nature, which speaks to everyone who will listen.

Lock yourself up in your room or go out in the woods where you an be alone. When you are alone the universe talks to you in flashes of inspiration.

My today is what I will to make it. I will to make it perfect…

Those things that I must do I shall desire to do.

So that I may meet the day with the knowledge to build the day I will look into my soul while it still dawn, before the morning breaketh…

I will keep my body charged with energy for fulfillment of my purpose, in accord with that which is commanded of me…

I will do today that which is of today and pay no heed to the tomorrow; nor waste regrets on that which was yesterday.

My day shall be filled to overflowing, yet shall I not haste the day; nor shall I waste the day.

Force I will meet with gentleness; impatience with patience.

I believe that there is but One Thinker in the universe; that my thinking is His thinking, and that every man’s thinking is an extension, through God, of every other man’s thinking. I therefore think that the greater the exaltation and ecstasy of my thinking, the greater the standards of all man’s thinking will be. Each man is thus empowered to uplift all men as each drop of water uplifts the entire ocean.

You have to gather your energy together…conserving it and insulating it from dissipation in every direction other than that of your purpose.

There are no limitations set by this electric universe upon any man’s multiplication power. Each man sets his own limitations in accordance with his desires. He be a thin wire which gathers little energy and carries a weak current, or he may be a heavy one. That is true of all energy borrowed from the universe by all of us. It is there in unlimited quantities, but the gauge of the kind of wire each of us is set by ourselves.

By ecstasy I mean inner joyousness, and by inner joyousness I mean those inspirational fires which burn within the consciousness of great geniuses, fires which give to them an inconquerable vitality of spirit which breaks down all barriers as wheat bends before the wind.

He who cultivates that quiet, unobtrusive ecstasy of inner joyousness can scale any heights and be a leader in his field, no matter what that field is.

There is no violent surface indication of the ecstasy which great thinkers alone enjoy. There is nothing dramatic about it, but there is some subtle light in the eye of the inspired one, or some even more subtle quiet emanation which surrounds the inspired thinker, which tells you that you are in the presence of one who has bridged the gap which separates the mundane world from the world of spirit.


Salutation To The Day

Salutation To The Day” in “The Message of The Divine Iliad”.

As the dawn telleth the coming of the new day:

I turn my eyes to the morning and purge myself in the purity of the dawn. My soul quickeneth with the beauty of the dawn.

Today is, and will be. Yesterday was, and has been. My yesterday is what I made it. I see it in memory, perfect or imperfect. My today is what I will to make it. I will to make it perfect.

I have the power to build the day or to rend the day.

The day will be of my making, either perfect or imperfect, good or bad as I choose to live it in spirit or in flesh, on the mountain top or earthbound.

If I rend the day I build ten other days, mayhap ten times ten, to undo the rending.

If I build the day I will have lived the day to the glory of the One in the fulfillment of that part of His purpose which is mine to fulfill.

So that I may meet the day with knowledge to build the day I will look into my soul while it is yet dawn, before the morning breaketh.

These are the words with which I greet the day. These are the words of the morning. This is the spirit of the dawn.

To me the universe is an open book. I need not to learn. I know. I see the unseen from the mountain top. I hear the music of the spheres. I know the transcendent joy of creation.

Immortality is mine. I will earn immortality.
I will bestow immortality. Mine is the power to give immortality. I shall not deny that which shall give immortality to those who dwell in darkness and who reach out for the light.

I will reach out my hand into the darkness and lead him that asketh into the light.

I will keep my body charged with energy for the fulfillment of my purpose, in accord with that which is commanded of me.

The power of the dynamic universe is behind my thinking. Power is mine to give by the wayside. I will not deny to any man who asketh the power which is mine to give. I have no limitations. Unlimited power is mine within that
which is universal.

I will do today that which is of today and pay no heed to the tomorrow, nor waste regrets on that which was yesterday.

My day shall be filled to overflowing, yet shall I not haste the day; nor shall I waste the day.

Those things which I must do I shall desire to do. Courtesy will be in my heart to give to all. My joy will be in serving. My power will be in thinking true.

My power will be in knowing. My power will be in humility. The taint of arrogance will I not know. That which is I, will I keep within the shadow of the beautiful temple of modesty, but my doings will I send forth into the light that all may see; therefore, must my doings be true.

Force will I meet with gentleness; impatience with patience. Truth will guide my footsteps through, tortuous paths and lead me to the glory of the day’s golden evening.

I will sing the day through with a glad song, that the problems of the day shall be as chaff before the wind and that others may harken to my song and be quickened. My countenance shall reflect the spirit within me, that all may see.

Blessed be the new day which descendeth upon me. I greet thee, O day. I cross thy threshold with joy and thanksgiving.

Electricity = Gravitation

Electricity = Gravitation
Electricity and gravitation are one, also that magnetism and radiation are one, and that both of these forces make up the two opposing forces evident in every effect of motion.
Closing Spiral = endothermic
Opening Spiral = exothermic
These two opposing forces are unity, or one, ex,. pressing themselves as opposing separate forces only as they travel in opposite directions, the centripetal direction of a closing spiral, in which all attributes are endothermic, and the centrifugal direction of an opening spiral, in which all attributes are exothermic

Robert Millikan verus Russell

Hudak discusses Russell’s work being refuted and a public exchange happening between physicists Robert Millikan from an article on the issue of black holes that Millikan wrote.  Russell writes in an editorial page back that Dr. Millikan, you are wrong on black holes, which was returned in kind stating that Russell should stick to his talents in arts.

Apparently, this exchange took a number of years of back and forth, with Russell aging coming back, and than Millikan finally replies “Mr. Russell, you may be on to something that is just so far beyond us at the moment that you may be on to something…”


It is a measure of unbalance. It indicates the intensity of desire of any mass which is out of balance to find balance.

Every mass in the universe has its proper potential position. Every mass will find that position if not prevented from doing so by the bindings of other masses.

Weight should be measured dually as temperature is. It should have an above and a below zero to measure the intensity of desire in masses to rise from the earth as well as to fall toward it.


All matter is a record of its potential at the place of its birth in its wave. Masses of matter, like buoys floating in the ocean to mark courses for ships, are floating in space to register the electric potential of the position of their birth.

Whenever matter is in the place of its birth, it belongs there. It is, therefore, in balance. It floats in its balanced field. In that position it is weightless in respect to anything else in the universe. Whenever it is taken from its field center, or becomes an eccentric part of another field, it is out of balance with the two forces acting upon it. It then has weight, and the measure of that weight is the measure of its unbalance with its out-of-place environment.

Weight of matter and measure of electric potential are one and the same thing.


A body which floats has no measurable weight. It is in balance with its environment. Likewise, a dead battery has no measurable electric potential. The ammeter needle points to zero. Its two unbalanced conditions of charge and discharge have become voided by each other.

The measure called “weight” and the measure called “electric potential” are the expression of force which the two electric opposites of charge and discharge exert against each other at any point in the universe.

The potential of all orbits of matter in space in which matter floats is equal to the potential of the mass which floats in it.

The plane of our earth’s equatorial region coincides with an equipotential plane of pressure which is equally balanced in respect to that part of the earth which floats above that plane, and that part which floats below it. In this plane the earth has no weight whatsoever in respect to anything in the entire universe, for it is in a balanced position in respect to the entire universe and keeps moving into a new position only because of the movement of all other masses in the universe.


The earth could have weight only if removed to other pressures farther extended from the plane of the lenslike wheel of which our sun is the hub. If it could be pushed toward the sun by some giant hand, it would seek balance in its own orbit when released, exactly as a man would rise when plunged beneath his own balance level in water. Every freely moving mass in the universe floats in its own equally divided wave field exactly as a man floats in water.

The moon is not falling upon the earth, as generally supposed, for it is in balance with its environment and cannot fall. Its contracted mass is equal to the expanded mass it displaces in its wave field.

For the same reason a cloud floats in the sky. If one could put scales under it, one would find it had no weight unless lifted above or thrust below its equipotential level. If it condensed into heaver vapor, it would fall to seek a new static equator where it would again float. If it condensed to rain, it would fall into the sea to find balance in a like condition.

Weight is not a fixed property of matter. It is as variable as matter is variable.

A man weights less as he climbs a mountain, weights more as he descends into a mine, and weights nothing when he floats in water.

Unless, and until, matter is extended from a plane of equal pressure, there can be no weight, nor can there be electric potential.


The equilibrium of sea level is a good example. If that static equator has no dynamic wave extensions, there can be no electric pressures exerted to express in weight, nor could there be weight of waves when waves are not extended from it. Waves above sea level have a positive weight when they fall toward gravity. Waves below sea level have negative weight when they rise toward space to find balance at sea level.

Weight is, therefore, but a dimension of unbalance. Unbalance alone can be weighed, for there can be no weight to balance.


The following definitions of weight are in keeping with Natural Law.
Weight is the sum of the differences between the two pressures which act upon every mass.

Weight is the measure of the differences in electric potential between any mass and the volume it occupies.

Weight is the measure of unbalance between any mass and its displaced environment. Weight is the measure of the force which a body exerts in seeking its true potential.

Weight is the sum of the difference between the inward pull of gravitation and the outward thrust of radiation.

Weight is the measure of intensity of the desire within all matter to express motion or seek rest from motion.


According to science – The weight of an object is defined as the force of gravity on the object and may be calculated as the mass times the acceleration of gravity, w = mg. Since the weight is a force, its SI unit is the newton.

For an object in free fall, so that gravity is the only force acting on it, then the expression for weight follows from Newton’s second law.


Why do you multiply the mass times the freefall acceleration of gravity when the mass is sitting at rest on the table?”. The value of g allows you to determine the net gravity force if it were in freefall, and that net gravity force is the weight. Another approach is to consider “g” to be the measure of the intensity of the gravity field in Newtons/kg at your location. You can view the weight as a measure of the mass in kg times the intensity of the gravity field, 9.8 Newtons/kg under standard conditions.

A person feels weightless in orbit simply because he or she is in free fall along with the satellite and experiences no force of support from the satellite. The perception of weight comes from the support force exerted upon us by the floor, a chair, etc. If that support force is removed and we are in free fall, we feel no experience of weight.

Generation of Sun

All suns are generated into incandescence by two black rivers of evacuated light which flow centripetally inward toward their still centers by the way of their poles. Conversely, darkness of space is radiated from two incandescent rivers of white light which flow centrifugally from suns’ equators.


Light comes from darkness and darkness from light


  • At the present rate of solar radiation, the sun should have burned out long ago.What keeps its fires burning? What is it that generates heat in the sun to keep it from cooling?
  • One theory is that its contraction generates it, for contraction supposedly heats.
  • But that is not the answer, for contraction does not heat nor generate. Contraction is possible only as a result of generation, not as its cause.
  • Generation must precede contraction. It does not follow it.
  • Heat follows as a result of contraction. Heat radiates. Radiation is the opposite of generation, and opposites act in opposite ways.
  • Radiation expands and the resultant expansion cools:
    While generation contracts and the resultant contraction heats.
  • Here again is the father-mother principle manifesting its law of equal, opposite and sequential interchange.
  • The cold of expanded space generates the sun’s heat by compressing large volume into smaller volume.
  • The high pressure of incandescence is born from the low pressure of vacuous blackness, in accordance with the law of rhythmic balanced interchange between all pairs of father-mother opposites.


The temperature cycle resulting from balanced interchange between the cold of space and the heat of suns is as follows: cold generates; generation contracts; contraction heats; heat radiates; radiation expands, and expansion cools.

  • Thus our hot sun is being generated from cold space via its poles and is radiated back again into space via its equator in accord with the father-mother reciprocative process of inside-out outside-in turning, and will continue to generate increasing heat in the sun until it becomes a true sphere.
  • This spherical perfection has not yet been attained, for the sun has not yet reached the amplitude of its wave where all forming matter becomes true spheres.


When the amplitude position is attained, its radiation will then begin to exceed its generation. It will be in the same condition as a man who has just passed his maturity high point when death and life interchange their preponderances.

From that point on, cold space will bore a black hole through the sun from pole to pole and it will expand into a giant ring centered by a smaller sun recondensed from the remnant of its expanding self. Many such ring nebulae are visible in the heavens, notably in the Lyra Ring Nebula (M.57)



Excellent examples of the degeneration of a sun into a ring or rings by the inside-out turning process of negative electricity are The Owl Nerbula, (M. 97) in Ursae Majoris and Dumb Bell Nebnula in Vulpeculae.


One can likewise witness this inside-out turning process in his kitchen range. Jets of burning gas are seen as a blue and green flame around the black holes which center each jet. These gases are negatively preponderant, which means that they are thrusting out from their center in excess of pulling inward


The Creator scatters His seeds of light throughout all space to father and mother all borning imaged forms of His imagining.

In the still center of suns is all idea for borning into the images of God’s imagining, but in the oneness of the light of suns they are without form and void. All seeds are without form and void even though the pattern of all idea is in them.

The oneness of incandescent suns must be divided and extended to cooling earths before the ideas of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms can sequentially unfold to prepare the way for man’s unfolding from his seed in the sun.

All expression of idea of earth is likewise in the sun and must be extended to earth for manifestation. Mountains and oceans are in the sun but also all things else, the crying sound of a newborn babe, the roar of an avalanche or the street noises of a city. All of these are light, and such expressions of the Light are possible only through division and extension of the One Light into the two which manifest the One.

Millions of years ago this planet became sufficiently far from the sun for the water idea to be expressed as pairs of opposites and organic life appeared upon the earth in lowly forms. These forms gradually complexed until the man-idea began to be expressed, not by a germ, but by the polarization of light itself, as manifested in the interchanging heartbeat of the father-mother light of the universe.

The idea of all things is omnipresent in the One still Light. The expression of all idea is extended to the two lights of white suns and black space surrounding suns which manifest the Creator’s two desires.

Desire for expression is manifested by the electric action-reaction sequences of interchange between the two opposing white and black lights of suns and space. It is this interchange which polarizes the still seed of idea into unfolding form of that idea.

To polarize means to divide stillness into opposing pulsing extensions. It is like extending a lever from a fixed fulcrum and setting it in motion to express the idea which is in the still fulcrum.

In this manner the womb of mother earth becomes impregnated with the seed of the man-idea extended from the sun, and the first cell of man unfolds from mother earth into the heavens toward the refolding light of the father.

This first pulsation of the mother-light which is borning God’s idea into patterned form is the black light negative half of its pulsation cycle. The unfolding mother-light which reaches out into the heavens is the black light of expansion. Black light is the negative pattern of the positive idea of light as expressed by incandescence. In other words, black light is expanded, or unfolded, white light. Conversely, white incandescent light is contracted, or refolded black light.

This is Nature’s method of giving formed bodies to formless idea. The positive father-light refolds the unfolding negative mother-light in cyclic wave pulsations which man calls “growth,” but growth is but a moving picture of sequential patterns of unfolding idea projected upon the imagined three- dimensional screen of time and space.

This is the Creator’s method of electrically recording His One whole Idea in many electrically sensed multipatterned body forms of matter.

Everywhere in Nature each action is its own reaction.

“Death gives to life that life may live; and life gives to death that death may die.”

Everywhere in Nature each action is its own reaction.


Every action in Nature demonstrates this principle. A ball thrown in the air must start from a point of rest, motivated by energy borrowed from the “center of gravity” of this earth which is its fulcrum. The point of rest in the thrower’s hand is an extension of the earth’s still center.

As the ball ascends, it decelerates as it pays its borrowed energy to space, thus charging space with the borrowings of earth and equally discharging earth. When the borrowing is fully paid the ball comes to rest. From that point it must again borrow the energy from space which it borrowed from earth to pay for its return to earth. Upon its accelerative journey to earth it passes each point at the same speed it registered on the upward half cycle, thus discharging space and equally charging earth to balance all borrowings and payings.

All actions in Nature are extension-retractions from zero to zero, and back again to zero. All are balanced simultaneously and sequentially. This is a zero universe of plus and minus zero which never exceeds the zero of the One Light from which it seemingly sprang as multiplicity.