Notes on Walter Russell

Walter Russell was an accomplished artist who wrote several books for the advancement of Mankind, trying to bring scientific explanation to the religion and God.

He was so far ahead of this time and we are such barbarians (still) that it will take a46837fd7faac18644e3ac242806ce13about 500 years for us to comprehend what he said.

This blog is an effort to condense and explain and find parallels on what he said (because he was not always able to express himself very well, given the inadequacy of our language)

Why did god send message through Walter Russell?

How to conduct your life?

What is wrong with the current scientific thinking?

Upanishads (the Indian old scriptures) and parallels with Walter Russell Cosmogency

Postulates and Axioms

Sections from Books (to make them easier to understand)

Questions to ask yourself

Answers to some fundamental questions

Summaries and my interpretation

Art by Walter Russell (proving that he really was a genius)

Some Geniuses and their works to inspire you (appreciated by Walter Russell)