What is the aim of the Home study Course

What is the aim of the Home study Course
Aim: Revealing the nature of God and verifying his Presence as the One Universal Being, through the gradual unfolding of the secret processes of Creation. To prove his controlling presence in all creating things.
Wholly mind – when the seat of sensation becomes conpletely severed from its centering conscious Mind, one beocomes wholly Mind, the One Mind of God, in which Is all-knowledge, all-powers and all-presence. Vision the universe as a whole, Underlying all phenomena (ie CAUSE of all EFFECT) is a simple fundamental principle, which is forever repeated in every phenomena of motion
My work on hydrogen led to the discovery of its Isotopes and heavy water, two atomic bomb elements (20 years before isolation)
The purpose of these lessons is twofold: 1) Prepare a layman who desires personal power and progress through achievement in personal creative expression to attain that end by full understanding of the CAUSE of all the EFFECTS a man produces in order that he may command those effects to his obedience.  With cosmic knowledge as a  foundation  upon  which  he  can  firmly  stand  to face  every  problem  of  his  daily  life,  whether  social, domestic,  business,  health,  family,  friendships,  professional  or otherwise  he  can  meet  them  with  a  clarity  of  vision  and  conquer them  with  intelligent  action  and  decision instead  of  complexing his  problems  because  of  his  inability  to  fully  comprehend  their cause. Each  reader can  so  clearly comprehend each part of God’s cosmic plan that  he  too  may vision  the  many  parts  as  One  whole. He  who  can  so  strongly  see the  Oneness  of  all the  seeming  many parts  of  God’s  plan  may  make of  his  own  life  a  divine  extension  of  that  One  and  thus  become master  Creator  of  his  own  creating universe. 2) The  secondary  purpose  is  to  so  thoroughly  define  and  explain this  universal  illusion  which  seems  so  real  to  the  senses  of  man, and  prove  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  most  exacting  scientist  that the  entire  electric  wave  universe  is  but  a  cosmic  cinema  picturing a  cosmic  idea  of  cause  and  effect  with  cosmic projection cameras called  wave  fields  of  light (describable  and  definable mechanically)

How does knowledge exist?

How does knowledge exist?

“ALL KNOWLEDGE  EXISTS  as  CAUSE.  And  it  is  simple.  It  is  limited  to LIGHT  OF  MIND  and  the  electric  wave  of  motion  which  records God’s thinking in matter. EFFECT is complex—infinitely complex—but one can have no KNOWLEDGE of effect. One can but be INFORMED of effect. Information is not knowledge. Our educational processes INFORM us, but until we have recognized the eternal truth that underlies that information, we have no knowledge of it. Like food in the grocery store, it is not nourishment until it is converted to the blood stream. ALL -KNOWLEDGE is possible for anyone—and the Cosmos gives it to him who asks, but all information is impossible.


In the Light of The Creator’s Mind is DESIRE to dramatize His ONE IDEA by dividing its one unconditioned, unchanging unity of balance and rest into pairs of oppositely-conditioned units, which must forever interchange with each other to seek balance and rest. DESIRE then multiplies those pairs of units into an infinity of eternal repetitions to give formed bodies to The Creator’s imaginings. All formed bodies are created In His Image”. Through the expression of DESIRE in Light, this universal drama of CAUSE and EFFECT is created as the product of Mind-knowing divided by Mind-thinking.CAUSE is eternally at rest in the balanced unity of the undivided Light.

CAUSE IS ONE. EFFECT is eternally in motion to seek balance and rest in the centering equilibrium of the two opposed lights of this divided universe, which it finds only to lose.

EFFECT IS TWO The Light of CAUSE, divided into the two opposed lights of EFFECT, is the one sole occupation of Mind which we call THINKING. Mind thinking sets divided idea into two-way opposed motion to produce the effect of simulating idea by giving form to it. Formed bodies are but pressure-conditioned motion, however. They are not the IDEA which they simulate.

Problem with Science

Science works on so called “empirical knowledge,” which is gained through the senses by research and observation of effects of matter-in-motion \

It does not come to man through the Consciousness of inspired Mind in meditation.

This is the way that mystics and geniuses acquire their knowledge.

Because of this, science can only tell  HOW to do marvelous things with electricity and the elements of matter, but cannot   tell the WHY–or the CAUSE–of these.

If asked what electricity, light, magnetism, matter or energy is, he frankly answers: “I do not know”.

If science does not know the WHY–or WHAT–or CAUSE–of these essentials, it necessarily follows that it is,, without knowledge. It is merely informed

Cosmic Thinker

God’s Mind thinks in octave thought-waves. Every creative thought is electrically divided into octave thought-waves which require four efforts to create matter into living bodies and four more efforts to void those bodies. Every action and reaction in Nature repeats this simple life-death principle. There is no exception to it throughout the universe. Every incoming-outgoing breath repeats it, every sound repeats it, and the pulsing of the stars repeats it. Within that simple principle lies all knowledge, for in it is all CAUSE which can be known, and all effect which can be comprehended. Its simplicity is instantly recognized by the highly spiritual inward thinker who is enabled to strip it of its complexity by making it stand still and be only one, instead of many billions in one second.

To the Cosmic Thinker who can make the universe stand still and void time, Creation unfolds from the Soul of idea to create form. All forms are thought-forms which appear, disappear and reappear forever. When one sees forms unfold from seed, and refold into seed, one sees all there is to see and to know. There is nothing else to know, for Mind is the seed of Creation from which all forms unfold from zero of invisibility to become visible for a time, before refolding into invisible Mind.

That is all there is to all philosophy, all sciences and all mathematics.

Q.3 of 3 Why am I here?

Question. Why am I here?

Answer. You are here to manifest God, your Creator, as one unit of the idea of man. You are here to become an actor in the Cosmic Drama of Cause and Effect which the Master Playwright has conceived to express the idea of Love, upon which basis the universe is founded. That means that you are to take the very long journey of life which begins in a single cell of protoplasm. That single cell is centered by your Soul, which is your Mind-control during the long ages of building your body under the guidance and constant co-operation of your centering Soul. That journey takes millions of years of gradual transformation from physical awareness of body to spiritual awareness of Mind. The journey ends in complete universality, or Oneness with God.


The journey of the unfoldment of the man idea, which we call the human race, is divided into five stages. They are as follows:

  1. The first stage was the primate, unmoral, instinctively controlled period of mere body building and fighting for survival. Man, the fighter and procurer of food, was supreme.

    The man idea begins with the slow building of a body when the planet spirals far enough away from the sun to have prepared the conditions which are necessary for the unfoldment of human life.

    Woman was only considered man’s chattel and slave. This stage ended at the dawn of Consciousness.

  2. The second stage is the present pagan, or barbarian sense-dominated stage. It is the beginning of awareness between right and wrong, and the elevation of woman to an ever-increasing importance, but never of sufficient importance to create a balanced civilization. Even today it is still a man’s world. Instinctive control lessens as man recognizes the unfolding of Mind and exercises free will. This barbarian stage is characterized by greed for material possessions and power over others, which it acquired by might-over-right practices. This barbarian stage will continue as long as man kills man, believes in evil and suppresses woman to less than full equality with man.
  3. The third stage is the Mind-dominated first stage of Consciousness, or the genius period. It is the second moral period of higher ideals and greater God-awareness. It is also the first stage where man knowingly becomes co-creator with God by being able to transfer invisible Mind idea into visible body forms. The genius fully comprehends the rhythms of God’s language and interprets those rhythms for other men. The barbarian and the genius stages overlap, for there have already been several hundred geniuses among the billions of barbarians. During the genius stage the idea of evil almost entirely disappears.
  4. The fourth stage is the Cosmic Conscious period of unfolding. It is the higher moral and spiritual stage of complete God-awareness. This period is distinctly marked by the disappearance of instinctive control, sense of evil and forgetfulness of body. It is the stage of the mystic who is almost fully omniscient and omnipotent. Twenty or thirty humans have already reached this high stage.
  5. The fifth stage is Christ Consciousness, or complete awareness of unity with God. This is the final stage of universality, omniscience and omnipotence in man. In the Christ Conscious being Love has been fully manifested on earth and evil has fully disappeared. One man only has ever reached this final stage of all men.

Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect

The law of cause and effect always works. When anything goes wrong with you or with the world, your are or humanity in general is responsible, not God. … Gods doing Gods part is what Creation or the outworking of cosmic law means. Therefore, instead of asking God to fulfil Gods part, attain knowledge of cosmic law so that you can harmoniously work with God to fulfil your desire. Anything that is wrong with you is of your own making; therefore, gain knowledge of the cause and of cosmic law.
people who ask God for fulfilment of their desires forget that material things are created only through two-way action. Material things are not created by rubbing an Aladdin lamp or through wishful thinking. They are created through balanced action and reaction.
(Walter and Lao Russell, Home Study Course in Cosmic Consciousness, Unit 7, Lesson 28)

What is man’s relationship with GOD?

God’s omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence are centered in the consciousness of every man; but few there are who know of the Oneness of their Self-Soul with the Universal Self-Soul.

Man requires many millennia to begin to be aware of that. Each cycle of man brings him nearer to his awareness of his Oneness with the Light of his Self- Source.

Man lives in a bewildering complex world of EFFECT of which he knows not the CAUSE.

Because of its seemingly infinite multiplicity and complexity, he fails to vision the simple underlying principle of Balance in all things.

He, therefore, complexes Truth until its many angles, sides and facets have lost balance with each other and with him.

Truth is simple. Balance is simple. Rhythmic balanced interchange between all pairs of opposite expressions in Natural phenomena, and in human relations, is the consummate art of God’s universe of Light.

It is also the Law. In this one fundamental Universal Law lies the balanced continuity of all creative expression in God’s electric wave universe of two conditioned lights in seeming motion which record God’s One Whole Idea of Creation into countless seemingly separate parts of that Whole Idea.

What is the reality of the material electric universe?

The material electric universe is an illusion.

This forever creating universe which seems so real to him is but a cosmic cinema, conceived by the Master Playwright. It is but an electrically projected, spectrum-colored light and sound-wave motion picture play of CAUSE AND EFFECT thrown on the black screen of imaged space and time.

The CAUSE is real. The EFFECT is but a simulation of the reality.