An example of Universal Law applied


An example of Universal Law applied

He also financed the buildings and sold all of the stock and even devised the legal possibility of making a sound economic principle out of an idea that was deemed unsound before. It was the principle of cooperative ownership, which for many succeeding years was acknowledged as a sound economic principle throughout the world. He conceived that principle. Lawyers said it couldn’t be done, and the realtors and bankers said it was ridiculous. He showed them the soundness of the principle even though he knew nothing of man-made law or finance. He knew Universal Law, however, and applied that law of balance in nature to man’s law and thus created an epoch in New York real estate dealings. He had a very hard lime procuring the first loan, but after four or five buildings had been erected every financial institution in the city offered him all the money he wanted, and he built many notable buildings on that principle. 

What is the underlying principle of the UNIVERSE?

Science has sought the underlying basic principle of motivation which is present in every effect of motion.  Science will never find it so long as it is sought for in either matter or motion.

That elusive secret is to be found only in the zero Light of the universal equilibrium, which is the fulcrum of the sex-divided electrical universe of thought-waves of two-way motion.

What is Polarity?

That forever hidden secret is the divider of the ONE zero into a seeming TWO extended zeros. And it is the multiplier of the TWO into countless TWO’s. The name of that great divider of rest into two-way electric motion is POLARITY. Polarity is the controller–the measurer–and the surveyor of electric intensity of desire in Mind for the actions-reactions needed for creative expression. Polarity extends its surveyed measure of desire from a zero point of rest in the universal Light to two extended zero points of rest where motion reverses its direction, its polarity and its condition.

What are magnetic poles?

These two points of stillness where electric motion reverses from one opposite pressure condition to the other are what science calls magnetic poles. The office of magnetic poles is to balance, and control, all electrically-divided motion in the universe. All electrically-divided matter, whether atom or giant sun, is controlled by a still centering point of magnetic Light. The two extended poles of that still Light measure the intensity of desire which motivates those extensions from their source of energy in the still Light.

Electricity vitalizes and devitalizes–charges and discharges–gravitates and radiates –inbreathes and outbreathes–lives and dies–appears and disappears—compresses and expands–heats and cools–grows and decays–integrates and disintegrates–and solidifies and vaporizes by its electric actions-reactions which divide the ONE into countless pairs of separate ones under polar control.

When man breathes in he polarizes his body. He vitalizes it into wakeful action and an awareness of sensation. He charges his body with higher electrical potential. He manifests life. When man breathes out he depolarizes his body. He devitalizes it into sleepy inaction and lessening awareness of sensation. He discharges his body by lowering its potential. He manifests death.

Everywhere in Nature each action is its own reaction.

“Death gives to life that life may live; and life gives to death that death may die.”

Everywhere in Nature each action is its own reaction.


Every action in Nature demonstrates this principle. A ball thrown in the air must start from a point of rest, motivated by energy borrowed from the “center of gravity” of this earth which is its fulcrum. The point of rest in the thrower’s hand is an extension of the earth’s still center.

As the ball ascends, it decelerates as it pays its borrowed energy to space, thus charging space with the borrowings of earth and equally discharging earth. When the borrowing is fully paid the ball comes to rest. From that point it must again borrow the energy from space which it borrowed from earth to pay for its return to earth. Upon its accelerative journey to earth it passes each point at the same speed it registered on the upward half cycle, thus discharging space and equally charging earth to balance all borrowings and payings.

All actions in Nature are extension-retractions from zero to zero, and back again to zero. All are balanced simultaneously and sequentially. This is a zero universe of plus and minus zero which never exceeds the zero of the One Light from which it seemingly sprang as multiplicity.

Man-Woman Equality

We need to know how to unite mankind into one Being with but the one purpose of manifesting the love principle of Nature, instead of the fear and hate principle which he now manifests.

  • God’s universe is balanced. That is why it is unified and continuous. That is why it will endure forever and cannot fall.
  • Man’s universe is badly unbalanced. That is why it is disunited and transient. That is why it must repeatedly fall.
  • The great cause of world unbalance is the disunity caused by the practice of inequality in God’s divided pairs which He created equal.
  • The principle inequality which is destroying civilization is the man-woman inequality.
  • The world resists change. It insists upon continuing the same old mistakes until the resultant suffering becomes too heavy.
  • The world cannot change unless individuals change. Each man must equalize woman spiritually in his own life, in his home, his business and his government or civilization shall fail.
  •  Every woman should insist upon mental equality with men in all governing and managerial capacities.
  • God created this world for men and women, not for men alone, nor for women alone. He created them equally as mates just as He created all pairs and all forces equally. This is an electrically sex-divided universe. The two electrical workers which create this universe are male and female. Each are equal. One does as much as the other in creating every particle of matter in the universe. Without that electrical equality in expressed force we would have a very wobbly, and dangerously unbalanced universe of badly distorted forms.
  • Motherless children vitally need a mother. No matter how sincerely or eagerly a father tries to become both mother and father, he is never able to fulfill both necessities.


In man’s primate days physical survival was of first import in his consideration. The necessity of fighting for that survival to procure food fell to the male. He was the strongest and more free, for children must be cared for while men hunted. Food had to be prepared and skins and rushes had to be made into body coverings. That part of the work naturally fell to the woman.

  • As the centuries passed, man, the hunter of game for food, quite naturally became man the conqueror of men for their possessions and woman became the household drudge, the tiller in the field and the slave of man, her lord and master. Man alone was free. Woman did what her lord and master told her to do.
  • For long ages woman had no such status as wife. She was man’s concubine– for long ages one of many concubines. Men enclosed her in harem prisons under eunuch guards where she was still slave among slaves and never a wife who could freely walk the earth like her master. And even when she was allowed to walk the earth she walked behind her master or under watchful eyes. Her value to man and her status with him was purely physical.
  • Man eventually discovered woman as a mental mate and took her to wife and consulted with her, but condescendingly, status of civilization consequently gradually rose to higher and still higher levels. The country which gave the greater recognition to the matehood idea of man and woman progressed rapidly beyond those countries which glorified man and suppressed their women. Likewise, every individual man who learned to love a woman because of her mental matehood with him, as well as her physical, progressed beyond all men who looked upon her as woman alone.
  • Notwithstanding these first discoveries of woman’s mental worth to man, which made her more and more his companion, and freed her from man’s guardianship, man still was the master–the lord- -the one who must be obeyed–and that which woman gained in man’s world was but a concession, not a right. She never gained a right in man’s eyes nor has she ever gained equality. She but gained the right to vote for man.
  • Pagan man made man the master of women, and ruler of the world. Even the pagan God concept was male–and still is. God, the Father, has never been the generally accepted Father-Mother of His equally divided fathers and mothers of Creation. Man the conqueror, the killer of man for the possessions of man, the pirate and trader in slaves, the exploiter and builder of empires, built this world in his own carnal image. He built it for man and glorified himself as the killer of the sons of man, while women wept.

Man has always crucified love on the cross of his own self-glory by the killing of men; and women have always wept at the foot of the cross, as they wept when men crucified the Nazarene while all but one of His disciples who professed to love Him, deserted Him.

All of this is quite natural. It could hardly be otherwise, for man in his unfolding (or evolving) remembered the fighter spirit of his primate days of taking, while not realizing that the woman spirit of giving was gradually awakening in him a keener desire for mental mating and the spiritual unity of the equal Father-Motherhood of balanced mating. The hardest lesson which man must learn during the long ages of his journey is that God made man and woman equal with one another in order that they should manifest divided love by equal interchange in their givings and regivings.

God’s whole purpose for dividing His spiritual Self into pairs of fathers and mothers is to dramatize His Love nature by the romance of equal and opposite interchange of love. The romance of awakening love is far greater than either its mental or physical interchange. Every expression of mating is empty without the romance of love itself. Romance is love-awareness without which there can be no complete happiness in any mating.

The Cosmic drama of Creation is a romance which all mankind is perpetually transforming to comedy and tragedy as it eternally seeks romance without knowing the path which leads to it. Through the romance of balanced interchangings of love between fathers and mothers they find unity which alone gives to them the ecstasy of the divine nature of God.

Physical sex interchange has been first in the desires of mass-man. Mental sex interchange is rare, while romance starves in a world which would give all else for just one hour of it. That is the lesson of life which all must learn who search for the peace and happiness which will alone bring rest from world tensions. The world has never learned it because the senses of man have never let him know the real meaning of either love or romance.

The world of divided humans must some day know that God’s divided universe is an electrically sex-divided dramatization of CAUSE and EFFECT. The CAUSE is Mind-desire for expressing static idea through interchanging motion. The EFFECT is what happens because of that division and the necessity of interchanging. CAUSE is, therefore, one–and EFFECT is always two. The lesson of life is to learn how to so balance the interchanging between the two halves of every effect that all EFFECT is completely canceled out in complete sexlessness by their balanced unity.

God’s motive as Master-Playwright of His Cosmic drama is the love urge of the mating idea expressed physically by the uniting of bodies to void the physical tensions of the sex urge by balancing them, and thus reproduce other bodies. It is also for the purpose of expressing the love urge in its mental and spiritual expression by eliminating the mental tensions of separateness. This is accomplished by uniting spiritual mates for creating spiritual idea.

A mental sex relation is for the purpose of creating idea, while the physical sex relation is for the purpose of creating body forms of mentally conceived ideas.

That is why any woman and any man who have harmonious spiritual relations with each other, such as a mother and son, or good friends, or business partners, can multiply power in each other very much more than any two men, or any two women could possibly do.

That is why any organization which consists solely of men, whether it be an industry, a club, or the cabinet of the President of the United States, or of other organizations composed of women only, necessarily creates unbalanced structures in which there can never be complete unity.

That is why this man-made world is so badly unbalanced and disunited. Its male qualities are so preponderant that it has made a civilization which operates like a flywheel whose shaft is badly off- center.

There is no other motive to the love story of Creation than the mental and physical manifestation of the love urge by unity of Mind and unity of Body which can only be attained through balanced thought interchange–which is of first import–and body interchange which completes the unification, but is of secondary importance.

If you look into the life history of any great man you will find a woman in it who had a tremendous influence upon the creative powers which accounted for his greatness. It may be more than one woman, such as his mother, and his wife, or sweetheart, or dearly loved friend. No matter who that woman, or those women were, the basis of their interchange with him must first be love mentally expressed. A spiritual union between any man and woman is of ten thousand times more value than love physically expressed without the spiritual.

Love is not objective, nor can it be possessed. The woman awakens love in the man, and the man awakens love in the woman. The romance of it is in the awakening, not in the consummation. It is the awakened ability to love which counts, and not the acquisition of the object which has awakened it, nor in any physical contact whatsoever. A woman may not even be aware that she is deeply loved, and the man who loves may never even exchange a word with her. Where love is spiritual it uplifts, exalts, enriches and ennobles.

Where sex is purely physical it debases and defiles. Millions have ruined themselves through physical sex expression which was not spiritually balanced. The roué is despised where the parent is honored. Whole civilizations have been utterly destroyed by the sex debauchery of incest and promiscuity. Wherever spiritual sex-mating is preponderant over the physical there is then the beauty and glory of the power which men and women can alone know who have that unity which comes to those “whom God hath joined together”.

Any man and woman who are thus spiritually and physically balanced multiply their unified power by eight–not two. Two separate, disunited potentials are only two, but when two potentials act as one their power multiplies in the ratio of the cube. In other words, when two completely united, balanced mates act as one they do not add their two powers together to equal two, they multiply them in the ratio of gravitation mathematics, which are three dimensional.

There is no lesson so hard to learn, or of such great import, as the long lesson of learning how to interchange all spiritual and physical divisions of effect equally in order to unify them, and thus make two unbalanced conditions become one. A balanced life, home, business, community, nation or world of nations is possible only by learning that great lesson by the hard way of experience until it is put into practice.

An approximation of balance will not suffice for complete happiness. A man who still insists upon being “master in his own home”, cannot have a happy home, even though he provides for his family generously and is a model husband in every other respect. With such a condition contentment is possible but romance is utterly stifled

A residue of unbalance still remains which makes it impossible to cancel out all actions and reactions by balancing them as a businessman balances his books constantly. A business could not succeed if a daily deficit made it impossible to balance its books, nor can a family succeed in being all that a family should where a constant tension exists which cannot be utterly voided.

The wife would try to assure herself she was happy by seeing the good points in her husband. Something would constantly be happening which would not happen if the home was a balanced one. A daughter might marry against her better judgment because of the tension which could not be eliminated, or a son might leave home where he otherwise would not. Unity cannot exist where tensions hold two apart. They will always be two until residual tensions are balanced. The two will then be ONE.

In countries where their women are forced to accept infidelities as a matter of course there can never be the happy home life enjoyed by those nations where infidelities are the exception and not the rule. Under such conditions unity is utterly impossible, because romance is impossible.

No great achievement of world import ever comes from countries where women are openly denied any approach to equality with men and they stand still for centuries. Physical interchange with women, unaccompanied with mental interchange, holds a nation to a physical level, just as it does with an individual. Neither individuals nor nations ever progress through physical interchange alone. Miscegenation ruined Greece. Thallic worship ruined many cities and countries while homosexuality, which resulted from such unbalanced conditions, created many a Sodom and Gomorrah.

Within the last fifty years countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran and Japan, which gradually added to the status of woman by giving her greater dignity, progressed very rapidly from almost static levels.

The countries which have risen to the highest levels in culture, invention, science, industry and engineering are the ones in which its women interchange mentally with men as well as physically. Middle Europe and the United States have given almost all of the world’s great achievements to the world, while the Slays, Mongols, Arabs, and other Asiatic and African nations have given practically none of it. Whatever scientific, engineering, industrial or inventive advancement has come to Slav countries has been subsidized from Anglo-Saxon countries.

The advancement of women to mental esteem has been encouraging but there has been too little of man-woman equality in high places, such as industry and government. In these important departments of life the world is still a man’s world, made by man for man, and in man’s image. It is not a peaceful world, or a united one in any of its many departments, and it never will be as long as it is a man’s man-made world. Until women become the acknowledged mental equal of man and share with him the executive management of industrial and national responsibilities, it will be impossible to have an enduring civilization of happy, peaceful, successful people.

An unbalanced civilization is as operatively impossible as it would be for a man to continually walk and work while even three degrees away from perpendicular. Wherever one sees world and national affairs being discussed and weighed for decisions which affect all peoples, both men and women, you see great rows of men occupying the seats of judgment as to how the world must act, all engaged in making a man’s unbalanced world which is as divided against itself as Man and Woman are divided against each other in a home where man is “master in his own house”.

Man-woman equality in high places would be the spiritual rebirth the world is seeking and which all thinking men have been desiring to come into being to save it.

Our present state of world affairs is not in harmony with God’s One Law. That means that the whole human race is endeavoring to build a civilization by working against God instead of working with Him. It is a defiance of God’s command which Nature will not tolerate. Man alone can never manifest His Creator. Every creation of God or man springs only from unity–not from separateness. Creation stems only from united Father-Motherhood. Man can no more create an enduring civilization without woman than he can create a baby without woman.

All ideas of the Mind, as well as all created bodies which manifest Mind, must have a mother as well as a father. The great error of man in this respect lies not so much in selfishness and ego as it does to the hold-over of his pagan memory of woman’s value to him as being purely physical. Until man and woman can equalize their mental relations and work together for spiritual unity, a balanced civilization is impossible.

We have long heard the hackneyed phrase that woman’s place is in the home. To organize, beautify and manage a home requires a great deal of executive ability which women perform with great credit when they must do it alone, but gloriously so when mates work together. Women have been called upon in war emergency measures and asked to fill places unfamiliar to them, places which none but men have ever filled. They not only did the work with equal skill and merit but very often with greater efficiency than men.

When women fought for equal suffrage, one of the most familiar criticisms used to ridicule the idea of women as voters was the claim that they would vote for the man who had nice curly hair rather than the one who had brains. Then there was the ridicule of woman as statesman or as industrial director. “What would a woman know about government? What would she do in a conference of trained diplomats”?

Looking upon the results of our all-men world conferences since the end of World War I is it not fair to ask if the present dreadful plight the world finds itself in could not have been avoided if the balancing influence of women’s spiritual nature had been present? Every man and woman must realize that it is not in woman’s nature to kill, for her purpose on earth is to give life–not take it.

Our present unbalanced civilization is scientifically impossible to endure. It is fast disintegrating even now and its decay has accelerated very dangerously since 1900



Finding ecstasy in obeying God’s law

Write thou My law for him a hundred times, yea a hundred times a hundred times, and exemplify it unceasingly, that he may know it inviolate, that he may know it irrevocable, and that he may find ecstasy in obeying it
Write thou again My oft said words: ‘Desire ye what ye will and it shall be thine. All My universe will give it thee in the strength of thy desires and in the strength of thy action in reaching out for thy desire.’
“Heed ye thy desires lest they be unlawful. Measure ye thy desires carefully against their opposites, lest unbalanced desires breed their unbalanced kind to arise and smite thee.
“For again I say My one principle of My one law is founded upon the solid rock of equal interchange between all pairs of opposite things, opposite conditions or opposite transactions between men
“When skies take on earth unequally with earth’s taking of the skies, tornadoes tell both earth and skies that I am within and without them, yea within and without every particle of them, and theirs is the agony of disobedience to My will.
“Not till they obey My will do they find peace and rest in My tranquility
“Likewise, when man takes aught from earth and gives naught to Me for regiving through Self of him. Toxins arise within him which are tornadoes for his self quelling.”
Balance thy desires and they will bless thee with multiples of their kind. Beware lest thy taking shall outweigh thy giving and gain thee naught.

What is the principle on which the universe is founded?

The Father-Mother of Creation divides His sexless unity into sex-divided pairs of father and mother bodies, for the purpose of uniting them to create other pairs of father and mother bodies in eternal sequences forever.

Creation is a division of The Eternal One into countless twos of sex-conditioned opposites, which eternally seek to void their division by uniting as One.

The seeming complexities of its really very simple processes  deceive our senses.

If our comprehension is strong enough we will be able to continually see a simple thread, which is repeated over and over in every effect of motion throughout all Nature, and throughout every event and experience of life.

Science is discovering God’s invisible Magnetic Mind universe and calls it anti-matter as yet. Important is that there is a something outside of matter, which is seemingly the source of matter emerging from it.

Matter is motion. The anti-matter, which now engages the serious attention of science, is stillness.

Science must divorce motion and energy as one identity, and regard matter as but the product of the Energy Source.

Anti-matter stillness is the Creator’s Energy Source. Yes–there is an invisible zero universe. It is the Mind-universe of Magnetic Light, we will name it the omnipresent universal vacuum. The universal vacuum is the expansion end of the universal piston, and gravity is the compression end.

As electricity is the creator of focal points, which we call gravity, and because compression is the sole office of electricity, every oscillation of the electric current of Creation is an interchange between the stillness of the universal vacuum of God’s Mind-universe of CAUSE, and the electric universe of motion, to produce EFFECT.

Each interchange between the invisible omnipresent universe where motion begins and ends, and the visible transient universe, which multiplies and divides the speed and power of motion, is a cycle.

Pulsing cycles constitute the heart beat of this universe, which simulates Mind-Idea through pulsing cycles of two-way motion.

Every pulsation of the life principle of multiplying motion creates divided electric male and female bodies, which seek rest in each other from the strains and tensions of their division into pairs of opposites

Creation is a Mind-imagined journey of electrically divided male and female opposites in increasingly greater speed and power in the direction of each other, where they unite in rest to redivide, and return with ever increasing speed and decreasing power, to the zero of rest in the Magnetic Light of Mind from which they sprang into action.

Creation is an illusion which stimulates substance by multiplying the speed of centripetal motion, and loses its appearance of substance by multiplying its centrifugal speed.


What is the principle of growth?

The man-made motion picture has but few changed pictures each second but Nature’s thought- wave pictures change over seven hundred billion times a second, which is the speed of thought. This principle is of the utmost import that everyone should know, for that is the way a tree, or rose, or a man grows. That means that the motion pictures which are being projected from the seed of you change their patterns over seven hundred billion times each second. That means also that you are not thirty years old, as you think you are, for not one particle of you is older than one seven hundred billionth of a second. Neither you, nor earth, nor suns of heaven, are older than that. These changing motion-picture projections of you are what make you seem to grow.