What are wave fields?

Wave fields are electric–exclusively electric.

By the word “earths” Our Father means that half of each wave-field which has concentrated light- waves into solid bodies by pulling centripetally inward from within, and by “heavens” He means the other half on the other side of their equator which has decentrated into space surrounding the centering solid.

Our Father-Mother has divided His entire universe into wave-fields within wave-fields, a wave- field for each action in its own measure, and the electric power extended to each wave-field is equally divided between the centering solid and the space which surrounds it.

Each wave-field is a complete storage battery like the one in your car, the only difference being that the negative cells of Nature’s storage batteries are many thousands of times larger than the positive cells.

Suns of heaven are   insulated from each other. Each visible sphere is one half of a body. Its surrounding cubic wave-field of space is the other half.


Each wave-field is surrounded, and bounded by six “mirrors” Which form a cube of six planes of zero curvature beyond which any action taking place in any wave-field cannot go. Within these cube wave-fields is an entire microcosmic or macrocosmic curved universe of curved pressure gradients which act as lenses to project and retract light-wave actions and reactions which take place within each wave-field. These countless cubes of space are the projection machines which extend the cosmic cinema upon the imagined screen of space.

The moon and the earth center their own respective wave fields surrounded by space. All wave fields are bound by planes of zero curvature, and a zero pressure condition, which insulate each field in the universe from every other field. The very shapes of wave fields of earth and moon are forever changing to adjust their balance as the moon revolves around the earth.

The cubes of space are wave fields which bound all interchanging motion between the two conditions within it. Motion cannot pass through these planes but can be reflected symmetrically back or extended symmetrically toward the center of the adjoining wave field.

Light does not travel

Within each cube field is the curved universe of two-way light illusion; and beyond, to the farthest reaches of space, is a repetition of illusion from wave field to wave field at the rate of 186,400 miles per second. That is the speed in which every action-reaction anywhere repeats itself everywhere. This illusion of motion gives rise to the belief that light “travels.”

Waves of light do not travel. They reproduce each other from wave field to wave field of space. The planes of zero curvature which bound all wave fields act as mirrors to reflect light from one field into another. This sets up an appearance of light as traveling, which is pure illusion.