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How to produce work like a genius?

Geniuses are not specially born, although they are rare!

It is my desire to correct the commonly accepted misconception regarding the idea that geniuses are specially born. By genius, I mean that quality of Consciousness possessed by such outstanding geniuses as Rubens, Leonardo, Titian and Raphael; such philosophers as Socrates, Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Plontinus, Laotzu and Confuscius; such mystics as Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, Baha’u’llah, and the supreme mystic of all time, Jesus the Nazarene. Also our modern geniuses such as Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Paderewski, Edison, Marconi, and their prototypes which are altogether too few in these thousands of years of world history. None is so rare among men as a genius. Out of hundreds of millions, we have but one. Go down through the pages of history and count them. You can put them all on a very small page.

Greatness in man has been associated with money and material power. Many there have been of this kind whose names are forgotten in a few generations, but few there have been of such immortals as Wagner, Beethoven, Rachmininoff, Shakespeare, Socrates, Leonardo or Michelangelo. These are the man who uplift the whole human race because they work knowingly with god, while those who work for self alone pull the standard of civilization down to lower levels.

This generation is not producing such spiritually great men as even two generations ago – such men as Longfellow, Whittier, Milton, Emerson, Scott, Dickens, Blake, Tennyson, and Poe. Even the last generation produced such musicians, poets, writers, painters and sculptors as Victor Herbert, Sibelius, Rachmaninoff, Elizabeth and Robert Browning, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Kipling, Markham, Masefield, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Daniel French, Frederick MacMonnies, George Gray Barnard, Burne-Jones, Keats, Whistler, Inness, John Sargent, Monet, and hosts of other geniuses in the arts, here and abroad.

Why is genius ahead of other men?

The genius is ahead of other men because of his awareness of his divine power which he has multiplied and remultiplied a thousand fold by his life long habit of seeking aloneness with himself for the purpose of unfolding that divine power for his own creative expression.

You can also be a genius

We all inherit all that God has to give. The maximum of genius is in everyone. A spoonful is not given to one and a bowlful to another and a bushel to another. We are all born equal in the Light of God. We are His omniscient Light, and all of it centers in us. The only difference between the greatest genius in the world and the ordinary man is that the genius is aware of the Light within him and the ordinary man is not aware of that Light. The omnipotent Light is in everyone – all of it – in all of its fullness. Likewise, all knowledge is in the Light of everyone, awaiting one’s awareness of it.

“Your own genius is as great as any man’s on earth. The only reason that you do not know it is because you have never given yourself a chance to know of your divine inheritance by forgetting your body long enough to become aware of your Soul. You allow emotions and tensions of body sensing to dominate you instead of your sleeping Soul. Go into the deep forest and awaken your Soul.

“That is what meditation is for, and the moment you begin to practice it that moment you begin to express the unlimited power of the awakening genius within you. If you acquire the habit of meditation you multiply your knowledge and the power to express your knowledge. You also give your body an escape from its tensions which heals it of all ills by restoring its balance.

Knowledge is the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient Light. That Light is within everyone and everything to its fullest extent. It is in every cell of one’s body, centering it. It is in the magnetic poles of everyone, controlling them. You may have that Light of all-knowledge for the asking. Knowledge is cosmic; it is universal. Desire what you will of it and it will unfold within you. You will suddenly become consciously aware of it by receiving a flash of inspiration. That flash is your answer.

We are what we desire to be. We can be what we wish to be. If we make a plan of our own lives and desire that plan to be fulfilled, we will become that. And all the laws of the universe will help us to become that. Each step in the unfoldment of desire leads to new unfoldment.

Our lives are our own making. If we work with the law of balance, we achieve balanced results. If we break the law, the law breaks us to an equal extent – and immediately.

The genius or mystic who has found God lives in the world of inspiration. He is always seeking the ecstasy of the Light. He lives in that wonderful ecstatic world of aloneness, and prefers to. He is never alone – for he is with God – thinking God – creating with God.

He is forever interpreting the inspiration of God’s whisperings to him, whether they be in musical rhythms, inventions, poetry or sculpture, or any product of industry. Every man who is inspired to manifest God worthily is expressing the measure of his own genius, whether he manifests it in the kitchen, in the workshop, or in running an elevator. One who is joyously and ecstatically working to the best of his ability to manifest God in him is expressing the genius in him. He is the one who is walking toward the Light – the one who is trying to be worthy of the Light.

The genius seeks the forest, the quietude of Nature; he seeks good music, good literature – uplifting things. The great creator Rachmaninoff multiplies himself by dividing himself and giving himself and those divided parts to the whole world for its uplift. The one who is walking away from God divides himself by himself. That is the seed he sows for which he reaps the harvest of mediocrity and failure to achieve eternal values.

You who sit in an audience and hear Rachmaninoff, and say, “Geniuses must be born,” or “there is no genius in me,” – or hear the music of Tschaikovsky or Beethoven – or any of the music which has the rhythms of heaven in it – the rhythms which make you forget your body as the composer forgot his body when he created it – you who feel thrills up and down your spine while you listen to it are a mirror which is reflecting that genius. His inspiration is being reflected in you. You are being re-inspired by him, and that is the evidence of your genius whether you perform it or not, or whether you have ever done anything in your life to express genius.

When you are thus inspired by another, you are multiplying your Self by knowingly becoming one with other Selves. You are unifying your Soul with the universal Soul through your increasing awareness of the universal Soul.

However, the fruit of genius does not drop into one’s lap. One cannot be a wishful thinker, sitting idly waiting for the material manifestation of one’s thought.
All the great geniuses I have known have certain traits in common, and not the least of these is a great capacity for work.

How edison used meditation to become a genius?

The Edison & Ford Winter Estates, a shared vacation spot between best friends Henry Ford and Edison in Fort Myers, Florida has a statue of Edison is located under the banyan tree given to Edison by Harvey Firestone dedicated in 2005 that shows Edison holding a shiny stainless steel ball in his left hand.

“I enjoy working about 18 hours a day. Besides the short catnaps I take each day, I average about four to five hours of sleep per night”—Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison has attributed many of his insights into his experiments and new discoveries to a state of awareness and thinking he reached when entering what is known as a hypnogogic state [1]. Hypnagogia is the a transitional state between wakefulness to sleep. The hypnagogic state of consciousness arrives at a demarcation just at the onset of sleep.

Edison would nap famously under his desk or on a work bench for up to 1 hour sometimes 3 times per day. Edison would generally hold two steel balls in both hands when he was preparing to sleep and was challenged by a daunting large problem. Some naps he would be sitting upright in a chair. Sitting up made it a bit harder for him to fully sleep allowing him to stay lightly conscious during these sessions. On the floor he placed directly below his closed hands metal saucers. The premise was simple, as he entered into the hypnogogic state, the body generally goes through a series of muscle reactions from a loosening to a sort of paralysis. In this transition Edison would drop the steel balls and the would crash to the floor, hitting the metal saucers for added effect and produce loud sound to awaken him. He would then be awakened by the sound and have a ready pad and pencil to record anything that he was thinking of just before being awakened.

Some quotes by Walter Russell

Every genius thinks INWARDLY toward his Mind instead of outwardly toward his senses. The genius can hear sounds coming out of the silence with his inner ears. He can vision non-existent forms with his inner eyes and he can feel the rhythms of God’s thinking and His knowing — which are a blank slate to the man who believes that HE is his body. When a human rises to the exalted state of genius, he becomes a co-Creator with God. The beginning of creative expression in man is the first evidence of the unfolding Light of his genius, for no man who is purely sense-controlled can create. 

“Mediocrity is self-inflicted and genius is self-bestowed.”

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  1. Pingback: The genius work of Rubens | Notes on walter russell

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